Data Needed to Design a New Kitchen


Free Kitchen Remodeling Guide and Timeline

Collecting Data for Design

A kitchen design or a kitchen designer need data about your kitchen to create a truly optimal design. The completeness of the data you collect and provide is a key factor in determining how long your design process will take. It's easy to do however.Or get a pro to measure, that's fine, too.

1) Measuring the kitchen. All kitchen design is based on measurements. Measure and mark down each wall section, from a corner or edge to the next corner or edge. Note down where the doors and windows are and how wide and tall they are, how far off the floor for windows. If walls are being removed or windows moved, precise design requires the measurements as they WILL be. If some aspects are not certain but you need to start the design work, let the designer know.

2) Take lots of photos. The designer needs to see the details of your kitchen. Don't worry about how the kitchen looks! We're looking at these photos differently. Take photos of each and every aspect, even inside cabinets if there's plumbing hidden within. Do this during daylight hours for best results.

Our design service provides a DESIGN QUESTIONNAIRE. This also helps to clarify your preferences. You can use it even if you aren't going to use our service. I'm happy to share. Look for a REVISED version once the SEKTION line is introduced. Or write me and I'll email it to you.
